HOPS BOPS XXI – Best of Show – Brian Moore with the Califonia Common!
The Califonia Common took First Place in the American Pale Ale – California Common Beers. The Licorice Stout also took Second Place in the Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer category, extra special thanks to Robert Desjardin for his assistance. The other two beers didn’t place.
Here are some comments from the beer score sheets on the beers:
- Califonia Common – “So pretty. I recently tried Anchor Steam on tap in San Francisco, this really captures the rustic hop character and balancing maltiness of the style. Good job.” “A good representation of style with just a bit too much hop flavor. Good malt complexity and a clean ferment leaves me wanting more of this!”
- Licorice Stout – “Lots of anise. I want more stout in it. More sweetness would help balance it. Lactose would be a good addition.” “Licorice, licorice. Anise dominates. Beer needs to be sweeter and more stout like.”
- MacRae Scottish – “Watch temperature on mash/steep. Bottled too soon.” “Sweet toffee flavor with a lot of hop bitterness on the finish with some smokey phenols.”
- Irish Dry Stout – “Well made beer. Needs more roast and hop bitterness.” “Very clean. Good clarity. A little sweet. More roasty flavors would help.”
Well, that’s all there is for now. I guess we just sit back and wait for responses from nationals, and prepare for the BUZZ OFF.
Check the results here
February 23rd, 2010 at 12:23 pm
[…] a gift/reward from April of 2004. I had entered the HOPS BOPS XXI homebrew competition and had won Best of Show for a California Common, and the jacket was the reward. So, besides being just a jacket, a thing to […]