Homegrown Hop Ale – Revisited

It’s time to revisit and post about the Homegrown Hop Ale, which later became named the Homegrown Mild, which later became named the Homegrown Session Ale (still referred this way sometimes), to finally the Homegrown American Brown Ale.


This beer was the first beer brewed at my new place, brewed back in January. Recently I have really been showcasing it, handing some out, taking some with me, enjoying a few while I can. Anyway, the beer pours appropriately into a Fool Circle pint glass a clear chestnut brown that transforms to a raspberry iced tea color when held to light. A nice fluffy one-finger toffee head rises on the beer, but fades after about five minutes or so. The appearance is very welcoming.

The aroma is more hoppy then I was expecting for homegrown hops, which is a good thing. In the past my HG hops have yielded very low in all things hoppy. After the initial intake of hoppy aroma other scents come through; grass and wood and old herbal tea residue and caramel all arise – all most likely stronger if this beer was left to warm. Over all a more complex aroma then often associated with an American Brown Ale. The mouthfeel is medium to medium-light with an “even” carbonation. The carbonation feels “right”, it is very difficult to explain easily. There is a little astringent bite, but not out of character.

The flavors cover the palate for such a “small” beer, only weighing in at about 4% alc. For me it is the malt that dominates the flavor complimented by the hops vs. the aroma I would say the opposite, which makes this quite joyous to drink. I pick up obvious notes of caramel with some bread crust and candied pears, followed by a light floral note that comes as you breath out the beer.

Overall, I’d love to really sit down and enjoy a session of this beer with someone or some people – maybe over cards, maybe over liar’s dice, or maybe just sitting around the chiminea. It seems to be easy drinking yet flavorful, and for me the fact it is made with my HG hops takes it to better place. The last HG hop ale was drinkable, but not this good. Can’t wait to revistit the next brew!


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