Sum Bra Pale Ale
Last Sunday 07.12.09 my buddy Garrett and I brewed a 20 gallon batch of a Summit/Bravo Pale Ale – thus the Sum Bra Pale Ale!
I think we had been talking about getting together to brew a Pale Ale since about May, and finally we both were able to commit to a date. The funny thing is we actually already have another different 20 gallon batch of homebrew already lined up (well, date dependant), I’m sure Donna is lovin’ the beer selection at her house right now!
Anyway, the brew day went well and was harmless, typically the best kind. I showed up around 10AM with almost nothing; some empty carboys, airlocks, yeast, 1lb of CaraPils, and 3 gallons of tasty Oatmeal Cookie Stout for the Severs. Garrett pretty much had everything else locked down, the whole hops and the rest of the grains. Next time it’s my turn to supply the grains (around 45-50 pounds for a normal 20 gallon batch) and he’ll still be on the hops, so I guess we’ll have to figure out the logistics of that. When we started things just seemed to go smoothly. I will give credit to Garrett because he always hauls all his equipment up from the basement and has the foundation water heating before I even arrive, what a guy!
So the day was smooth and hot, first time it felt full blown Summery to me. We tried to hang outside in the shade mostly, but when the shade disappeared and from the heat of the kettles, ugh it was time to hide inside some. When Garrett was putting in the third hop edition it totally looked like he dumped a salad into the brew kettle it was too funny. After all was said and done I think the brew day was about 6 hours, not bad for four times what I normally make!
Afterward we hung out a bit which is nice to decompress and cool down. After I got home the carboys had kicked off with in four hours, nice second generation yeast that was just harvested the day before. Other than that not too much. The Red Rye is this weekend and then two miss-match brews of old ingredients. I’m thinking of doing the “Dark Beer” kind of Stone Soup style, we’ll see!
July 17th, 2009 at 4:09 pm
I know this is a labor of “love” for you and your friend, but I have to ask…….. Does it cost more or less to brew a batch of “basic” home brew vs. buting a case at a beer store? Labor is a whole other issue I know.
July 19th, 2009 at 10:55 am
It costs a little less per case from a monetary standpoint, although its the most expensive beer on the planet if you include your time (and the initial cost of equipment). Economics is not the priimary reason most people homebrew – It is the act of creation and the unlimited creativity that you can have with brewing your own that makes it all worth while.
It’s like any other hobby – you don’t do it because its cheap, you do it because you love it…. and this hobby has the fringe benefit of others enjoying it as well.
July 20th, 2009 at 7:29 am
Garrett – very well said.