Banana Spice Ale
Batch Number: 19
Type: Fruit Beer - or - Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
Alc Percent: 5.50%
Notes & Comments:
Smelt good, not like beer, but it smelt good. Very cloudy, a little scary.
This beer was brewed out of a late-night concoction between myself and my buddy Todd. So, in response to his involvement I decided to give him half a batch for his birthday. That's his mug plastered on the label. Originally I was going to put one of those bananas in the corner in his mouth so it looked like he was . . . you know, yummying down on this. Anyway, the actual jester's cap was housed from the Pale Ale label in batch #1, go ahead and check it out. There is also an alternate label for this brew without Todd's picture, but this one is funnier!
"More spicey than nutty or bananay. OK though, I guess." - B.
Special Ingredients: Brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, banana, walnuts and vanilla extract!