Linvilla Hard Apple Cider – Revisited

February 20th, 2007

So, the other day I had mentioned that I was going to review my own brews in some sort of up coming time-frame. So I figured I go ahead and review pretty much everything I had on hand one at a time and then continue to review my brews as they come into existance. Because I had the most of these in the fridge, I decided to start with the Linvilla Hard Apple Cider.

The LHAC was created in October of 2005 and bulk aged until October of 2006. This was my first cider and I really had no idea what I was doing. I have never tried another homebrewed example of a hard cider, but I did know that naturally it was not going to taste like the cider-pop that is out there now (Woodchuck, Hornsby’s). The cider took a VERY long time to clear, but when it did finally clear, it cleared crystal.

Linvilla Hard Apple Cider 1

Wanted something different than a pint glass, so I went for the contoured juice glass for the pour. The cider pours a brilliant delicate linen light gold color with mild petillant tight bubbles running the glass but without any head. It temps out of the fridge at 44F. The bubbles slowly rise inviting me to take a sip.

The aroma is super light but plenty available. Tart apples like Granny Smith skin, light floral aroma maybe honey-suckle, white cranberry also comes to mind. Some wine-like characteristics seem to come through reminding me of a dry tart white wine. Definetly no sweetness like in a local commercial example, and no artificial candy apple aroma.

The mouth is light and sparkling and tart and biting and smooth all at once. The cider is about as heavy as tap water with a light CO2 charge, like in a true seltzer bottle without allowing it to be sparkling. The sparkle comes from the cider intermingling with my palate and producing a ten-fold of bubbles off of all the new surfaces it comes in contact with. The tartness of the apple sends ripples down the sides of my tongue, interesting – this too I would call the bite of the cider. Yet overall, I would say it is quite smooth. Drinkability would be based on after the first pint, but considering I am half way done the glass at this point of the review I would surmise it could have an ‘all night’ type quality, especially paired with fruit and cheese.

The flavor is similar to the aroma but without all aspects coming through. Definetly tart apple and white cranberry stand out to me. I am actually interested in running to the grocery store and trying to find a natural white cranberry-apple juice (unsweetened) and see if my surmation feels correct. The flavor lingers a little bit becoming a little acidic/tart/astringent but not bad, then a slight apple kick at the end again. I do not detect any obvious off flavors, and with a beverage this light I would think that would be easy, but there could be some acetaldehyde in there – but honestly I probably couldn’t tell considering that is a green apple like aroma and flavor.

Linvilla Hard Apple Cider 2

My overall impression is that I should make at least one cider a year. Really, I was so pleased with the long term results that I would like to revisit it. The biggest draw-back from it is it ties up a carboy for a full year, but I suppose that’s the price we pay. A few thoughts on variations would be to use a less attenuating yeast strain to help it retain some sweetness, to some how pump up all aspects of appleness so it is not so delicate, or possible to kill the yeast then back sweeten the cider and force carbonate to make it more U.S. commercial-like, which is what most people that try it are expecting.

Two sort of non-direct compliments I received on the cider were from (1) Karen when we were at the Finbar (English restaurant) in Rehoboth on New Years Eve and she ordered an English cider on tap and after tasting it said something about how that tastes just like mine. She had also said previously that it reminded her more of the English ciders she had drunk while living in England. Also (2) Ann had just returned from a trip to England and also mentioned that it was much more similar to the English ciders she had drunk there then U.S. commercial ciders. So, I suppose I created a light example of an English cider though according to the BJCP guidlines it falls short in several ways – hey go figure. Drink what you like!

Erik Mitchell – Tin Angel – PPA

February 19th, 2007

Preface: I’ve had ‘The Tower’ by Ice-T stuck in my head all day, dunno why – plus I am enjoying a lovely DFH 90 Minute IPA.

OK – Here we go, last night I went up to the Tin Angel in Philly to see my friends Erik Mitchell & Robert Desjardin play. They played with Kyle Justin and Adrienne Hamilton – Kyle first, Adrienne second.

Erik Mitchell

I went up last night with Karen. We went to Serrano for dinner before hand which is the restaurant associated with the Tin Angel. To me, the main benefit of eating there prior to a show is that you get reserved seating upstairs at the show. After we ate we went upstairs in the middle of Kyle’s set. Kyle is good, but not as full as the other two bands. After Kyle came Erik Mitchell and Company.

Playing tonight with Mitchell was Jon Mernyk on lead guitar, Corey Bonser on bass, Robert Desjardin on drums, John Conahan on keyboard. I have heard several combos of players, just Mitchell, Mitchell bass and drums, the trio with Mernyk and the trio with Conahan – but I must say, the 5 together was the best combo I have heard yet – they really sounded full, tight and loose all at the same time. So far I am cool with Mitchell and Robert and comfortable with Corey “Golden Monkey-Boy” Bonser, but John and John I have not been able to put my finger on yet. They both seem cool, but I guess I just need to kick it with them.

Here is the setlist from the night:

In The Bayou
Worst Woman
Easy To Love You
Piece Of The Pie
Wharf Rat
The House Of Osiris
Baba Dochia

After Mitchell & Co. was Adrienne Hamilton. She was good, really dug here sound, had a kick-ass guitar player, but he looked like a pompas-ass playing. Visually he ruined the set for me, he played like he was ‘the man’, fortunetly he sounded like he was ‘the man’, so I guess he may have a right.


After the show we went to leave to find out my car had been towed by the F-in’ PPA! Dude! I was pissed to say the least. When we parked there was no notice of a tow-away zone that I could see. It was a Sunday night, I thought we had just gotten lucky – here’s some advie, don’t try and save $20 bucks just to stress-out and pay $140 the next day – M. F-er! I must say though, the people at the PPA (Philadelphia Parking Authority) were as nice as can be, but they sure made you jump through some hoops. Nuff said, park at a garage, enjoy your evening, go see Mitchell & Co. Thanks to Roby-Ro for the ride home, I LOVE your floor tom!

WOTWXII – Aftermath

February 18th, 2007

Yesterday was the War of the Worts XII homebrew competition. It is the largest local competition in the area. This year they had a record number of entries with 443 entries, over a hundred more than last year! I decided to go up and judge at this years competition again, and it was a good thing I did for they need every last judge they could get, 41 judges and 20 stewards to be precise.


The day is broken down into two sessions of judging broken-up by lunch and followed up with a Best of Show round and announcements of the winners. My morning session was quite a surprise for me, I judged Melomels and Open Category Meads. Melomels are fruit meads and the Open Category is everything that doesn’t fit into another mead category. I have never judged meads, or have never had any excess instruction on mead – so I quickly reviewed my BJCP guidelines and explained to the other judge at my table, Nate Brese, my situation. He was very comforting in saying any help I needed he was willing to give. We judged 14 different meads between 9AM and noon. That’s a lot of mead to drink that early in the morning, but it was great to really get to taste all these different kinds of meads out there. The winner was a delicious ruby red sweet still red & black currant with gooseberries mead, it was really just a joy to drink.

After lunch my afternoon session was the same thing I had judged last year at the WOTW, American, Foreign and Russian Imperial Stouts. This time I was paired up with David Houseman, again for this category. This time there was only 9 stouts to taste which is better, but unbeknowst to me there was another table judging 9 other stouts, Dry, Sweet and Oatmeal. So, after we finished and they finished we had to have a Mini-Best of Show to determine which was the over-all best stout. It came down to our initial pick of our first Foreign Extra Stout which ironically turned out to be my buddy Garrett’s Choking Sun Stout – awesome! Ithink David gave it a 41 and I gave it a 37 so it scored a final score of 39. We finished up the stouts at about 3:30. Supposedly the announcements were to be around 4:30 so I had an hour to kill.

During this time, Karen showed up and hung and drank with me which was good. Unforunetly, and not surprising, the BOS round took longer than expected and the announcements weren’t until after 6PM! Though I had already collected my score sheets and knew I had not placed, I was committed at this point to hang and watch the results. This year WOTWs pulled off some serious prizes. From what I could see there was a real nice looking counter flow chiller, a Blichmann’s Beer Gun, a hot air balloon ride, a mixed case of vintage beers, and tons of other assorted swag including shirts, ingredients, beer and gift certificates.


As far as my entries went, not so hot – but that is kind of what I expected. Two of the entries I sort of entered for shits-and-giggles because I knew they were out of category, but I wanted to see if they could be just out enough to be better then the others – didn’t happen. And the other two, my mead and cider, I was actually very interested to hear what they had to say because at that point I had never tasted another homebrewed mead or cider so I really had no idea if they sucked or ruled – looks like they were somewhere inbetween, which is what I expected. Anyway, here is a brief review of my score sheets – as always with these things I rarely take them to heart, yes the judges know what they are talking about, but I rarely brew within a style.

  • Peated MacRae ’05 – Score: 32 – Very Good – “Good beer, I like the smokiness. Malt may be a tad too sweet, tone down just a touch.”
  • Homegrown Session Ale – Score: 25 – Good – “A very nice tasting beer but needs more malt character and a lot less hop character for a mild.”
  • Linvilla Hard Cider – Score: 26 – Good – “Very delicate flavor, almost seltzer-like. Beautiful presence.”
  • Tupelo Turn Mead – Score: 32 – Very Good – “Delicate beautiful aroma, beautiful color with sweet initial flavor evolving brings out slightly acidic flavor with lingering bitterness.”

So, there you have it, WOTW XII in a nutshell. Hopefully in the next week I can “re-visit” these entries and try to evaluate (outside of BJCP guidlines) them myself, and post my opinions here for you.

It’s A Boy!

February 14th, 2007

My brother Dave and his wife Catherine just had a baby boy, congratulations!

Colin David

He was born at 5:05PM on February 14, 2007 weighing in at 8lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. Both mommy and baby are fine (don’t know about good ‘ol dad though =)). And his name is . . .

Colin David Moore – Congratulations!

“Welcome to this world of fools, of pink champagne and swimming pools – Welcome to this world!” – Les Claypool

Oatmeal Stout

February 12th, 2007

Yesterday I got to brew a beer I had planned on brewing in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day. Any guesses? Yup, it’s a stout, but I’ve decided on making an Oatmeal Stout.

Mash 1

As of now I haven’t committed, but I’m pretty sure I am going to split the batch during secondary. Most likely half as an ordinary Oatmeal Stout and half as at least a Vanilla Oatmeal Stout – maybe with oak too, or bourbon too, or bourboned oak . . . like I said, I haven’t committed to the split.

Boil 2

The brew day went well, very uneventful which is the way I like it. It took about six hours which is the faster side of normal for me so I was pleased. I almost hit the numbers I was looking for too, with my mash 156F, and with my OG 1.046. One was a little high and one was a little low, but both were in the totally exceptable range. I also used Star Chemicals 5.2 Stabilizer for the first time. Don’t know how much it helped, but it felt like buying the extended warranty on a piece of electronic equipment, it couldn’t hurt, right?

Chill 3

Didn’t try any new beers yesterday during the session, didn’t really do much – tried to stay on top of cleaning and being organized in my new space and read most of the second issue of Beer Advocate Magazine, which is really good. The biggest downside to the magazine so far is that the majority of the articles are very short, 1 page-ish, 3 pages is long. I also could live without the beer reviews in the back – isn’t that what the website is for? Oh yeah, with ground water being so cold (37F), I was able to cool my wort in less than 15 minutes – nice!

Big D – Tin Angel

February 11th, 2007

Last night I went up to see Big D play up at the Tin Angel in Philly. I went up with Todd & Jody and we had a great time. Ran into Wooly, Becky & Mitchell up there too.

Don McCloskey

Don’t know if it is true or not, but they announced that the show sold out – I have never heard of a Big D show selling out before, so that was cool – but I can say it was packed up there last night. It was Todd’s first Big D show and he was totally stoked, if he goes up more often hopefully he’ll spend more time watching the show and less time outside smoking. Big D played a lot of the groovin’ songs we’ve come to expect him to play plus a lot of the regular show only songs, which sound like they’ll make up the contents of the second album. I believe he said March 22nd as the date the album is going to drop – we’ll see . . . One odd-ball moment last night was when Big D sang ‘Funk University’ to the tune of ‘Open the Door’. I don’t know if he meant to or not, but it must have been challenging to do. Keep it up Donny Mac and I’ll see you at the next show!

War Of The Worts XII

February 8th, 2007

Today I entered the first local homebrew competition of the year. It is the War of the Worts XII, which is the largest homebrew competition in the area. It will be held Saturday February 17th at the Iron Hill Brewery in North Wales, PA.


War of the Worts XII is an American Homebrewer’s Association sanctioned competition and provides you an opportunity to have your homemade beer, cider, and mead evaluated by BJCP registered judges. Prizes and awards will be given for beers placing first, second, and third in each category, and for Best of Show. I still have not decided if I am going to judge this years competition, I have a previous obligation I may be involved with.

On to the brews, this is what I mailed in this year to be entered:

Honestly, I don’t have high hopes for these brews, not becasue they aren’t good but because they don’t fit so well into the categories. If I could choose one to do well, I would choose the Homegrown Session Ale because it is made with all homegrown hops. More after the competition.

Lost Season 3

February 7th, 2007

Briefly, I just want to say that the third season of ‘Lost’ returned this evening after something like a 12 week break. Now they plan on showing the next 16 episodes uninterrupted. I am excited to say the least.

Lost Season 3

Over the last two weeks I re-watched all of season one and two and the first six episodes of season three to get all tuned up. Well, I am tuned. You know what the worst part of having ‘Lost’ back on TV is? Not having it on disc so I can’t watch four episodes at a time or more, that’s what sucks.


Lewes Polar Bear Plunge

February 6th, 2007

On Sunday Robert and I went down to Rehoboth Beach to join in the Lewes Polar Bear Plunge. The Polar Bear Plunge benefits Special Olympics Delaware and this was our second year participating. Between the two of us we contributed over $200 without even trying to hard to raise donations.

Robert Polar Bear Plunge

The night before The Plunge I was at a Keller Williams show in Baltimore, MD and Rob�rt was playing a show in Philadelphia at Luminare. Neither of us got home until around 3AM the night before and we were up by 8AM to drive down for The Plunge, we were a little Deeter to say the least.

The Plunge actually went well. We got down late for registration yet there were no lines, so that was great. We had a little medicine and coffee before The Plunge so we were in full Drater mode. The air temperature that day was 29�F with a wind chill of 20�F and the water temperature was a steamy 44�F. Honestly it was cold, but I wasn�t cold like that � I didn�t even wear a jacket while we were standing out there waiting for like two hours before The Plunge.

The best part for me is always the fifteen minutes before The Plunge. You get to watch the energy level rise like ten fold. People start slowly undressing to become acclimated to the temperature. All of the groups seem to become more of a single unit feeding off of each other. It is actually really a great feeling. Then it counts down, two minutes, one minute, thirty seconds (at this point it is crazy!), then suddenly people just start running for the ocean and it’s on!

Brian Polar Bear Plunge

I love running in, seeing how far I can go out before the first wave hits, then just letting go and jumping. The initial part of going under water is literally breath taking. You can not breath, you can not see, it’s a little disorientating. BUT, it is a great exciting rush. If there were other Draters I knew, I could be convinced to go once a month for all of winter, maybe.

After The Plunge, we headed down to Dogfish Head to grab a bite to eat and some anti-freeze to drink. We both got soup and some beers. We got to try their new Summer seasonal (in February) which is Festina Peche. It was a nice light and crispy peach beer with a nice sour twang. I would love to drink it in the summer, probably by the pint, but all we got was 8oz. for five dollars. Sometimes I really don’t understand DFH’s pricing structure.

After the quick stop at DFH it was time to go home and take a hot shower then off to a Super Bowl gathering. It turned out to be a really nice day, I wish all of my days were so full with things I wanted to do.

Keller Williams

February 5th, 2007

I was able to go see Keller Williams play at Rams Head Live in Baltimore, MD on Saturday. It turned out to be a really great show. If I can find the setlist online, I’ll post it.

Keller Williams

I went down with Mike, the second Keller show I’ve seen with him in about six months. The other show was in Atlantic City, NJ and had horrible sound quality which helped make this show sound even better. Keller’s new CD comes out tomorrow, but fortunetly for us they had it on sale at the show. It is called Dream. The concept behind the CD is that Keller wanted to play with everyone he had every dreamed of playing with including the following plus more; Béla Fleck, Bob Weir, Charlie Hunter, John Scofield, Martin Sexton, Steve Kimock, The String Cheese Incident, and Victor Wooten.

One of the cool things about Rams Head Live is they are “sponsored” for lack of a better term by Fordham Brewing Company. And because of this, the bar at RHL has all of the styles of Fordham beer available including my favorite their Tavern Ale. Fordham claims it to be an American Pale Ale. I always found it to be a cross between an APA and an English Pale Ale. Once I got to try it dry hopped and served out of a firkin, now that was a good beer!

Well, the first set wasn’t just Keller, it was Keller & the Keels, which is Keller Williams, Larry, and Jenny Keel. They recently just released a blue-grass album together called Grass. Some covers I can remember them playing were Tom Petty’s Last Dance with Mary Jane & Breakdown, Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall, and a combonation of Beck’s and The Grateful Dead’s Loser. They played some really rockin’ blue-grass that lasted almost an hour and a half, much longer than I expected. Keller than took a set break and came back and did what he does best – make you smile and dance with the grace of his musical skills. The Keels came back out for the encore too. Over all a really great time.