1st Annual B3 Forum Homebrew Competition

February 12th, 2005

Well, the results are in, and guess whose name appears at the the top of the list! You damn right! B3 Results

Fool Circle pulled in two awards for one beer with this competition. I’ll start off slow, letting you you know what I entered, and I’ll finish by letting you know what won. I entered 4 beers for this competition, this was the invitation only competition in California that I mentioned in the last Village Idiot. I entered the Double Dubbel in the Belgian Strong Dark Ale category, the Hunting MacRae in the Old Ale category, the ECPA in the American IPA category, & the ESB in the ESB category. And the winner is . . . (drum roll please . . .)

The Hunting MacRae (v.05)!!! Not only did the MacRae win in the Old Ale category, but the Old Ale category was lumped with several other categories to for a “Big Beers” category consisting of Barley Wines, Old Ales, Imperial IPA’s & Strong Scotch Ale – it was still judged as an Old Ale, but it still had to beat all those others. Also, the Hunting MacRae won the Best B3 Kit Beer Brewer – which was a special category just for this competition. Basically if you brewed your beer using on of the company’s beer kits, Beer, Beer & More Beer (B3), then you indicated that on the entry form. I don’t know if they took just the highest scored number or had a seperate judging, but SWEET! Also, since it was first in one category, it had to of been in the Best of Show judging though it obviously didn’t win.

I really couldn’t be happier. There were 98 entries from all over the country, probably mostly California because that is where the store is located. I was a little hesitant because after entry fees (typical) and shipping (3 day from Delaware to California, not typical) the price to enter this competition was higher than I normally paid – but I went for it, and it was worth it. Plus now I’ll get reviews on 4 of my beers before two of the competitions out here which may help me decide if I should enter them in a different category.

Just FYI, posted on the B3 site was this snipet, “The best B3 Kit Beer will get two free kits and yeast of their choice, plus a B3 shirt or hat. And the ribbon. First place winners of each category will get something special too, along with the ribbon.” Sweet, they know how to play up to us!

1st Ever Fool Circle “Beer It Forward”

February 11th, 2005

The Village Idiot – “BIF” edition is now available for your bathroom reading material pleasure.

Check it out here at the Village Idiot archives if you haven’t recieved it already. If you like what you read, feel free to sign-up for the next newsletter at the top of that page.

Enjoy & may Beer Karma surround you!

Califonia Common

February 6th, 2005

What should one do before the Super Bowl? Well, I made beer – sounded like it fit the day to me!

So, partially because of demand and partially because I damn well felt like it, I brewed the return of the Califonia Common. Yes, you read that right, the Califonia. So far everything seems great, brew day went off with out any major problems, and the beer was fermenting in less than 8 hours. Hopefully it’ll be ready in time for the 22nd Hops Bops in March, go for a repeat for Best of Show – why not!

The Village Idiot – January 2005

January 11th, 2005

The Village Idiot – January 2005 edition is now available for your bathroom reading material pleasure. Check it out here at the Village Idiot archives if you haven’t recieved it already. If you like what you read, feel free to sign-up for the next newsletter at the top of that page.


The Future Is Upon Us

January 9th, 2005

Let’s face it, we’ve all been waiting for it, now it is here!

Fortunetly, I was lucky enough to get my hands on a bottle of beer that I didn’t even know existed. Some of the label information reads as follows: (on the front)Holiday Vintage 2004, Old Ale, Best if allowed to age gracefully, handcrafted ales and lagers brewed by Iron Hill Brewery & restaurant, Wilmington, Delaware, one pint 6.9 ounces, (on the side)Old Ale Vintage 2004: brewed naturally with the finest malted barley, hops and yeast. A dark full-bodied ale with a distinct sweet caramel malt and a complex fruity character. We recommend you allow this beverage to mellow over time. Please keep cool. OG:1080 ABV:7.2% IBU:25.

From what the waiter told me at Iron Hill, this is a new feature that is about to become available at Iron Hill. Basically they will be brewing specialty batches of beer or chosing particular batches of beer and having them bottled and selling them only at the brewery where the beer was originally from. He said he thinks this should go live in about March.

So, how did I get my hands on this bottle of beer you may ask? Well, while I was at Iron Hill Wilmington for brunch the Manager on Duty, Doug Frampton I believe, recognized me (my hair maybe) from when I came in and brewed with Brian Finn for the wedding. He must have said something to the waiter and the waiter said something to me. He then informed me that the manager was willing to see if they had a new bottle of beer if I was interested. Of course I said yes. Basically, by pure fortune, it appears that I have one of the first bottles of the first batch from the first Iron Hill restaurant to bottle their beer. What a really great company!


January 3rd, 2005

Finally, the brew that was too good to last and didn’t have a label, gets its proper attire.

If you couldn’t guess, this was the homebrew that I made for Karen and my wedding. Knowing that the beer would be kept in an ice chest there really wasn’t any reason to make a label at the time, the ice and water would just destroy it (who am I kidding, like I had the time!) Anyway, I just so happened across a couple (yes 2) random Unions and it reminded me I still needed to make a label, so here it is!

I am now reminded I have A LOT of updates that are needed for this page too, ALL of 2004’s brews, a new Village Idiot, and more up to date info on what’s a hoppening at Fool Circle.


Philip Kendall McCaffrey

December 15th, 2004

Philip Kendall was born tonight at 7:58 central time. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 3.9 oz. Both Philip & Mom are doing fine.

Philip already has sponsorship from Fool Circle Brewery, what a kid! And what a nice chap to use such lovely logo placement, I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Zog’s Grog – Jester’s Kin Amber Ale

December 12th, 2004

Finally, Pinky, we can try and take over the world!

Just the other day I finally got to try Dave’s first homebrewed beer, Zog’s Grog Jester’s Kin Amber Ale. Dave had a pretty sweet deal. Catherine’s friend was moving back to South America and was selling all of his stuff. He happen to have homebrew equipment and no one would buy it, but he knew Dave was interested. So, fortunetly for him he acquired his equipment. And being the good little brewer that I am, I had to buy Dave his first ingredient kit. It was an Amber Ale kit by Brewer’s Best, which I kicked up a notch with some hops, liquid yeast, yeast nutrient, irish moss, and oh yeah some more hops. We had a brew day, and now we get to reap the rewards. All I can say is it was better than my whole first year worth of homebrewing!

Here’s the breakdown:
Appearance: it poured with an OK head, maybe an inch tall white and foamy but not strong enough to stand. The brew was a deep cherry colored ice tea, looked quite quenching. It was a little chuncky, but no Mr. Beer style or anything.
Smell: spicy, like church, like frankensense and/or like cookies, like ginger snaps or cloves. Very delicious smell.
Taste: it is a little on the weaker side. Next time more malt and more bittering and flavor hops. Ironically, the taste reminded me of Iron Hill’s Anvil Ale on cask condition mixed with iced tea – odd . . .
Mouth Feel: smooth. A little thick for such a weak beer, but not bad just thicker than expected.
Overall: with a beer that smelt this good and felt this good, it was ashame that the flavor profile was on the weaker end. I thought there may be too much hop aroma (sorry, my idea to dry hop) for the style, or at least for the hop flavor. This would be a great beer with any sandwich in the mid afternoon, or with some popcorn while watching a DVD at night. Great job, Dave, and keep up the good work!!

Wooly wanted to know, what’s the next one going to be called, “Fretless Bass Porter”?

Killer Brewer Profile

November 21st, 2004

This picture doesn’t do this justice, but check this jammy out that Dave, Catherine, Nancy & Chip got me for my B-day, SWEEEET!

Basically, this is a professionally framed and matted version of my brewer’s profile from “Brew Your Own Magazine”. The frame is sweet, though you can’t tell from this picture. It is very clean and professional but still woody and earthy. It has a nice “bevel” to it and fades from a dark grain on the outer edges to an “inner glow”. It also compliments the color of the brew the guy is holding on the cover.The back matting behind the brass engraving compliments the colors in the wording on the magazine cover. The engraving reads, “Brian Moore, Brew Your Own Magazine, November 2004”. Nice job, great gift. And as I said the other day, I almost did this for myself, but was being too lazy to go and buy another copy of the magazine, so I’m very glad you guys did this for me. It looks great!

Buy Brew Your Own Magazine – Today!

October 14th, 2004


I recieved my copy of “Brew Your Own” magazine yesterday, start flipping through, and almost dropped the thing when I got to page 9. Basically the short story is this, a few months ago “BYO” had a label contest (see update archive – April 6, 2004 – “BYO” 9th Annual Label Contest) and I entered a few beer labels. One label which caught there attention was the Moore’s Light label. The main reason they liked it was because of the story I included about brewing beer for my dad. Unfortunetly I did not place in the label contest, BUT I did get my Brewer Profile written up in the magazine. I’d say I came out on top.

Here’s the “fool” brewer’s profile I submitted, if you’d like to squint you can read the true store from the magazine clip above. Or really be supportive and go out and buy the magazine for like five bucks or whatever.

“I can blame the whole mess on my sister, Nancy. For my birthday in November of 1999 she decided to buy me my first “starter homebrew kit.” It was a simple two gallon plastic fermenter with a spigot on the front (a Mr. Beer® model.) Not much to look at, definitely something to shake my head over now, but at the time I held the key to the world in my hands.

From that moment on, my homebrewing empire began to develop. I’m a thinker, so right away I created a name for my brews, a developing label design including a logo to represent myself, and many a pipe-dream filled night talking about “one day when I made it.” Fool Circle is the name I chose to represent my homebrews and myself, basically it is a play on words that developed from the bad habit I used to have of talking in stream-of-conscious circles. My first beer was a pale ale that I was really excited about and basically forced upon everyone I knew. It was a terribly cidery over carbonated attempt at a beer, but it was just good enough to keep me trying to make it better.

Time went by and so did many different unique styles: a mandarin orange spice lager, a vanilla maple pilsner, an espresso stout, a green tea with honey lager, and one dubbed the Smurf-Berry Brew which was a blueberry/strawberry beer made with pie filling! After a year had gone by and I was still “playing” with the whole homebrewing thing and spending my hard earned cash on brewing upgrades, my family began to take me a little bit more seriously and stopped poking fun of everything that I made. My biggest supporter has always been my fiancée, Karen McCaffrey. For Christmas of 2000 my brother, Dave, decided to give me my own website www.FoolCircle.net as a gift. This originally was supposed to be a place for me to post my recipes and give descriptions of my beers, which would complement the newsletter I sent out quarterly The Village Idiot. The website now going on its fourth year later, and probably as many different variations, has developed into quite a nice site to frequent.

In 2003, after years of developing my particular style, I decided to enter my first homebrew competition. I did not realize this at the time, but the typical competition brewer is a different beast then the average cat. I brew the beer I like for myself first and my friends second. I brew to challenge myself and expand my horizons. A typical competition brewer brews to BJCP guidelines, proudly. I entered six beers into the 2nd Annual B.O.N.E.S. Bash and won three 1st Places! Basically, when I showed up at the awards ceremony I was late by about two hours, but I did happen to find one of the guys who was in charge of the competition. He asked me for my name and responded that he remembered my name for some reason. I then told him it was my first competition and that I was very excited. He responded by saying that ‘this is your first competition? You should definitely enter more.’ And with that he explained that I had won three 1st Places, which completely blew me away.

One of the beers that I had entered and won a first place in the competition was called the Moore’s Light. The Moore’s Light was brewed in the beginning of November of 2002 for my father as a Christmas gift. The only beer my dad drinks on a regular basis is Coors Light®. Sometimes when I brew I’ll take him up something I made and he always responds the same, “it’s O.K., but it’s no Coors Light®.” So this time I was trying to surprise him and tried brewing a beer something like a Coors Light® for him. Just as a cherry on top I decided to try and reflect a Coors Light® label, but twist it and make it my own, Fool Circle style. It just so happens that our last name is Moore, so it made it quite easy to slide in the play on words. Fortunately, my father thought the labels were great and the beer was, “O.K., but I’ll stick to my Coors Light®.” Oh well, at least I tried…

In 2003 I also had my very first annual Fool Circle beer tasting. Basically I had put aside and cellared one beer from each batch over the past year, and on that particular date a few select friends, the Inner Circle, and myself blindly sampled each brew and tried to identify which beer was which. Out of the nineteen beers present that day only three were guessed correctly by any one person.

Other happenings over the last year are: the acquisition of Best of Show at the 21st Annual H.O.P.S. B.O.P.S. competition with a California Common, one other 1st Place, three other 2nd Places and a Bronze Certificate from the 2004 AHA Competition. Also, the 2nd Annual Fool Circle Beer Tasting has just happened along with talk of a Fool Circle Beer-Pong Tournament.

My new goal is to “live the dream.” I am aspiring to continue my homebrew experiences into a professional trade. I love how science and art fuse together to become one in this application, transforming the vision and giving it life and diversity. I feel as if the borders to the brewing world are non-existent, just look at Sam Calagione at Dogfish Head with his extension with Randall the Enamel Animal or John Maier at Rogue Brewery with his cooperation with Chef Masaharu Morimoto from Iron Chef. One day I feel as if this pup is going to be running with the big dogs.”